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Traveling Tails of Mr. Jules: All Around the Country with My Therapy Dog

Have you ever wanted to travel with your pet? It can be tons of fun. I take my dog, Jules, everywhere with me. We are like Fric and Frac and have a total blast together. We have gone on countless adventures together. I am a homebody who likes staying close to home and sticking to my routine, whereas Jules is the opposite. He loves to explore new places. Jules is my therapy dog (or sometimes referred to as an emotional support dog), and he has inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and see the world. This book is all about my dog, Jules, and our exciting adventures together. It will teach you how to safely travel with your pet and how much fun it can be. Hopefully, my book will inspire you to travel with your four-legged friend.

What a wonderful book. Great for not only children, but adults as well. Follow along & see the amazing pictures with Jules & his amily while he goes on adventures across the world. Great book. Great message. Wonderful buy that I read to kids as well as my elderly mom who's a stroke survivor.

Dana S.

This beautiful story makes you smile from ear to ear! Life couldn't be better than with Mr. Jules! Where will he go next? Such a loving bond between a dog and his "mom" !

Susan L.

Well written, kids enjoy this book as it is fun, easy to read, great photos too.

Amazon Review

This is one of the cutest books I’ve ever seen. It’s not just for children, but for dog lovers everywhere!

L. Selser

Words from Jen

I love going on exciting adventures and exploring new places. Yet, honestly, I really just enjoy being with family. I hope my story inspires you to travel with your four-legged friend.

Words from Jules

Every morning, I wake up and go for my walk. The only difference the scenery changes. My family loves to travel and they always take me with them. I am one lucky dog that has been on many adventures.

Adventures with Mr. Jules

Jules is taking more adventures than ever! Click the link below and journey with Jules to all of his favorite places!

See Jules adventures here